
Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan

EMERGENCY is looking for a Cardiologist for its “Salam” Centre for Cardiac Surgery in Sudan.

This role requires capable and autonomous diagnosis and care of patients affected by cardiac pathologies requiring surgical intervention.


The Cardiologist will work as part of a team of international specialists – experts or in training – organising and directing the training of the local medical and health care staff in his/her area of responsibility, in collaboration with the international colleagues and the Medical Coordinator of the project. Some international resident physicians (Cardiology) may be present to support clinical activity or research. The Cardiologist is responsible to the Medical Coordinator, who is in charge of the management and organisation of the project.

The main areas of work are:

  • TRIAGE: initial evaluation of patients presenting at the centre, and evaluation of patients who re-present for clinical reasons;
  • OUTPATIENTS DEPARTMENT: 3 consultation rooms equipped for the diagnosis of patients identified in triage, the management of patients on the waiting list, and post-operative follow-up;
  • INR CLINIC: clinic dedicated to the management of patients in anticoagulant therapy;
  • CATH LAB: 1 cardiac catheterisation laboratory fully equipped to carry out diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Diagnostic coronary angiography and endovascular treatment of ischaemic heart disease; diagnosis and treatment of congenital pathologies;
  • WARD: 32-bed ward and 16-bed High Dependency Unit. Diagnostic and therapeutic activity pre- and post-operatively.

In addition, he/she will carry clinical consultancy and diagnostic procedures (electrocardiography, transthoracic and transoesophageal echocardiography):

  • OPERATING THEATRES: 3 operating theatres equipped to carry out Cardiac Surgery;
  • INTENSIVE CARE UNIT: 15 fully equipped beds (2 isolation beds).


All EMERGENCY international personnel are expected to know and follow the hospital admissions criteria, guidelines, protocols, and the diagnosis and treatment standards in use in the Centre, and to ensure the correct compilation of clinical records and statistics in both computer and paper formats.

Considering the variety of specialist cardiac procedures it is not expected that any individual cardiologist will be experienced in all areas of activity. These are:

  • AHD — Acquired Heart Disease;
  • CHD — Congenital Heart Diseases;
  • Clinical Cardiology;
  • Echocardiography (transthoracic and transoesophageal);
  • Cath Lab.

The main duties and responsibilities of the international Cardiologist are:

  • diagnosis and prescription of the most appropriate care pathway;
  • presentation of clinical cases to cardiac surgeon and cardiac anaesthetist colleagues for discussion and evaluation of indications for surgery;
  • treatment and management of patients pre-operatively and in the post-operative recovery period, including in the immediate post-operative period (day 1 post-op);
  • diagnostic procedures (electrocardiography, echocardiography, Cath Lab) during the patients’ stay;
  • responsibility for the follow-up of patients who have been operated;
  • management and monitoring of anticoagulant therapy if prescribed;
  • mentoring of resident physicians (where present);
  • assisting in clinical research and record keeping as required by the scientific programmes of the specialist sector of the Medical Division of EMERGENCY.


Clinical activities and patient care are always carried out alongside and in collaboration with local personnel, who thus benefit from training in the field. There is also provision for more specific teaching activities, managed by the international specialists, in accordance with the clinical protocols in use and as agreed with the Medical Coordinator.


  • Medical Degree, and current professional registration on the medical register of your Country of residence;
  • specialisation in Cardiology or Diseases of the Cardiovascular System;
  • hospital experience in one or more Cardiovascular departments (e.g. Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology, Cardiac ICU, Cardiac HDU, Coronary Care Unit, Cath Lab).


6 months overseas stay including a period of leave to be taken at the end of the mission in agreement with the coordinator.

EMERGENCY will provide a monthly salary, cover travel expenses, health and accidents insurance and accommodation.


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European Society of Cardiology
Our mission: To reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease.