University of Zurich & University Hospital Zurich
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About University of Zurich & University Hospital Zurich

Contact Name for applications: Elena Osto


Phone: +41432533098

Country: Switzerland

City: Zurich

Institution: Cardiology Department & Institute for clinical Chemistry

Title of Position: Post -Doctoral position

Summary of Position: Crosstalk between endothelial cells and adipocytes in cardio-metabolic diseases

Application Closing Date: 31 January 2022

Full Details of the Post ( English only ):

We are hiring! A post-Doctoral position is available in the group of Prof. Elena OSTO's cardio-metabolic research at the University of Zurich

Your profile:

We are looking for a highly motivated:

• Post-Doc candidate with a PhD, MD or MD/PhD degree

with a strong background in cardiovascular (endothelial or vascular biology) and/or metabolic disease (obesity and in particular adipocyte biology). The project of the newly hired post-Doc focuses on how blood vessels and adipocytes metabolically crosstalk in health and obesity. Qualified applicants should have a strong record of achievements as evidenced by first-author research papers published in peer-reviewed journals and have a strong interest in a multidisciplinary approach to experimental and clinical research. The ideal candidate shows initiative, a vigorous “Can-
